Seated (Chair) Yoga

Instructor – Katrina Hinton

Benefits of Chair Yoga

Improved Strength and Flexibility – This allows for improved mobility and independent living for many years to come.

Improved Proprioception – Proprioception is the ability to know where your body is in space for accurate movement coordination. This is important for confident movement and to help prevent falls. Proprioception is also important to having control over your body and movement which is helpful for people with disabilities or conditions such as MS and Diabetes.

Reduces Stress and Improves Mental Clarity – Chair yoga can reduce the impact of chronic illness and pain. The flow on effect is being calmer and more relaxed which leads to a greater feeling of happiness and well-being making life more pleasurable.

Mindful Breathing practices that are an integral part of yoga practice improve breathing and the flow in from this is a feeling of more energy and a calmer state of being. It reduces stress and anxiety and helps with the management of pain.

Chair Yoga (and Yoga generally) has been shown to improve overall health. Practised regularly it even has the potential to reverse some health issues. It improves overall movement and flexibility and improves self-confidence and overall well-being.

Chair Yoga makes yoga accessible to almost everyone. It is recommended that on starting a yoga program that you attend regularly and give the exercise several months to achieve the desired outcomes.

$7 per session.

Activity Leader: Jan Rossiter

Last updated on 17 October 2020