Saturday, 24th Feb 2024: 9:30am – 12:30am at Gumnut Cottage

Partnering with the Canberra Environment Centre and Simply Optimistic, Communities at Work are excited to deliver a workshop on gardening on a budget.
This workshop provides an overview of the basic science and skills needed to get your “food factory” growing on a next-to-nothing budget.
After the Workshop you will be able to:
• Identify key features of a plant’s biology and life cycle.
• Perform key gardening skills, including seed raising, cuttings, transplanting seedlings, liquid fertiliser, preparing soil, and garden layout/design.
• Work collaboratively to sketch a home food garden and draft a 6-month task schedule.
Participants are advised to:
• Bring your own gardening gloves (however, gloves and garden trowels will be available for use on the day).
• Wear a long sleeve shirt and covered shoes.
This free workshop is offered as part of the Growing Healthy Communities Project funded under the ACT Health, Healthy Canberra Grants program.
To book your place, click on the link below: